Rediscovering the Arts at the Wilson Center

As seen in Milwaukee Pride Life Magazine – March/April 2024

By David Todd, For MPL Magazine

Southeastern Wisconsin is blessed to have a myriad of wonderful cultural and entertainment offerings: museums, restaurants, the performing arts and festivals year-round. Growing up here, as I did, you get kind of spoiled. You also realize at some point that Greater Milwaukee is rather provincial. I’d like to believe it is a result of the great con- tributions of each community and their dedication to arts and entertainment. But, it’s also rather likely to be a result of a long and infamous history of seg- regation that the area has endured over the years. No matter the reason, like so many others, I had been missing out on some great entertainment, specifically at the Sharon Lynne Wilson Center for the Arts in Brookfield. My very first experience with The Center came just this year with an invitation to attended a Friday night dance performance from the LA based dance company, BODYTRAFFIC, in February. The Wilson Center is easy enough to get to and find. Unlike other venues, it’s not in some entertain- ment district, city center or “down- town,” but located inside Brookfield’s Mitchell Park off Barker Road and Cap- itol Drive. Parking was easy and FREE – I was already enjoying the experience.

I have to admit, I’m not much of a dance enthusiast, but the show peaked my interest. As my friend and I settled into our seats, I was excited. The the- ater was beautiful and, looking around, couldn’t imagine there was a bad seat in the house. In its Milwaukee-area debut, BODYTRAFFIC was nothing short of dynamic. The stage came alive with the music of legends—James Brown, Dean Martin, Etta James, and Peggy Lee. The show featured a variety of dance styles and the dancers moved with grace and precision, with choreography ranging from amusing to arousing. As the cur- tain fell, we were left exhilarated.

Excited about what I had just experi- enced, I returned to the Wilson Center, this time during the day, to meet with Jennifer Moran, the Marketing and Communications Director, and Tyler Nikolas, the Events and Ticketing Co- ordinator. By the light of day, there’s so much more to see: statues decorating the grounds, the park still beautifully groomed in winter and the building it- self a kind of hide-away chalet. With a warm welcome they both eagerly shared The Center’s rich offerings and the com- ing season!

The Wilson Center is a beautiful per- forming, visual arts and education facil- ity that opened its doors in 2002. But, how could a place with so much going on remain a hidden gem? Jennifer’s voice carried a hint of frustration as she addressed my question. “That’s a huge compliment - that I hate hearing,” she said laughing.

How do people in Southeast Wiscon- sin NOT know about this place? As a former Managing Director of a theater company in Milwaukee, I was a bit em- barrassed myself. So allow me to let you in on some of the magic...

The Wilson Center is more than a venue; it’s a multidisciplinary nonprof- it cultural arts facility—a true cultural anchor in the Greater Milwaukee com- munity. Its mission is straight forward: to be a vibrant destination that expands, inspires, and delivers a lifetime of arts education and experiences. Whether it’s a concert, Broadway review, Artist Spotlight, a visit from the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra or any number of unique, exclusive performances – it’s worth exploring all The Center has to offer. Here’s a sampling...

Starry Nights Concerts, where family and friends gather under the stars for FREE music in a casual, community set- ting. The events are all-ages and open to the public.

Beyond the Classroom caters to stu- dents from pre-K through high school offering daytime performance field trips. Study guides and additional en- gagement opportunities help to enrich students’ classroom experiences.

ArtsReach brings professional artists and students together to discover and explore the arts first-hand, engaging a diverse group of educators and learners that ignites creativity.

Year-Round Visual Art Classes and Exhibitions: The Wilson Center isn’t just about performances; it’s a hub for creativity via visual art classes to cu- rated exhibitions year-round...and so much more. For a look at their up- coming 2024-2025 season, click here: 2025-season-announce

The Wilson Center’s mission comes alive when audiences of all ages play, connect, and learn through engagement with the arts. A public/private fund- ed pillar of the community, the Sharon Lynne Wilson Center for the Arts won’t disappoint. With it’s diverse offerings, I don’t see how it could. So, join the mail- ing list, attend a performance, get in- volved! You’ll thank THEM!

Location: 3270 Mitchell Park Drive, Brookfield, WI 53045 Phone: (262) 781-9520

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