Behavioral expectations:
All arts campers are expected to be respectful to other campers, staff, animals, volunteers, spaces, and Wilson Center property. This includes following directions, using appropriate language, and non-violence toward all living and non-living things. The Wilson Center reserves the right, upon notification of parents, to dismiss any student for conduct that the camp administrative staff deems detrimental to the well-being of other students, staff, or overall operation of the camp.

What to wear:
- comfortable and light-colored clothing suitable for movement classes (shorts under dresses)
- light sweater or zip-up (for air-conditioned spaces or bug protection)
- closed-toed shoes (sneakers, suitable for hiking). No crocs or flip flops, please!
- sunscreen and bug spray

What To Bring:
(please label with your child’s name)*
- A backpack to bring home any projects 
-A lunch each day, except Friday (please provide nut-free lunches) 

What Not to Bring:
- trading cards
- high-value items
- ipods, cell phones, or other electronic devices not necessary for camp

Sunscreen/Bug Spray:
All campers must be wearing bug spray and sun screen, even on cloudy or rainy days, when they arrive at camp.  Please apply this to your camper before they arrive. All campers should bring a bottle of sunscreen and bug spray labeled with their name for re-application throughout the day. Please alert the camp director if your child is allergic to any brands of bug spray or sunscreen.

The Wilson Center is not permitted to administer any daily medications to children at camp. Please make arrangements for your child to receive their medication during lunchtime or other breaks. If your child has allergies, we will make arrangements for them to carry their epi pen.

Lost or Stolen Items:
The Wilson Center will not be held responsible for any lost or stolen items during camp. We ask that campers not bring any high value items to camp. The Wilson Center will hold on to items for three business days after the closing of camp in our lost & found. Any items not claimed will be donated. Please contact the Education Department if you have lost something.  

Exchanges and Refunds:
A partial refund equal to 50% minus a $25 administration fee is offered if participant notifies Wilson Center staff of camper cancellation at least three weeks before scheduled camp. Within three weeks prior to scheduled camp, camp reservations are non-refundable and non-exchangeable, except in the following situations: 1. If arrangements are made two weeks prior to your original week start date, enrollment may be transferred to a new week if there is room in the session. 2. A camp session is cancelled by the Wilson Center.

Sick or Running Late?
Please be respectful of the health of other children, families, and Wilson Center staff, and do not send your child to camp if they are ill. If your child is going to be absent or late for any reason, please call the education office at 262-373-5023 and leave a message.

Where and When Do I Check In?
Please check in through main front doors of the building between 8:00 and 8:30am. Please plan on walking your child into the building on the first day of camp. You will be asked to check in with a staff member to verify your child’s emergency and medical information. Students may sign themselves in on subsequent days of camp.

Pick-Up Procedures:
Please enter the front doors and wait behind the check-out table when picking up your child. Anyone picking up your child must present an ID and must be listed on your camp registration form. Children must be signed out before leaving the Wilson Center. Those arriving late for pick up may incur a $5 cash fee per every five minutes that they are late. Please call if you are running late so that we can make accommodations.  

Photo/Media Release:
We ask that camp parents and guardians agree/disagree to a photo/media release for their child when they register. The Wilson Center will photograph and film your child during camp for a special end-of-camp video shared virtually after camp ends. We will respect the rights of families who wish for their child not to be photographed, but they will not be featured in this culminating experience. This policy is as follows:
I hereby consent that any videotapes, photographs and/or motion picture film for which he/she posed, and/or audio recordings made of his/her voice may be used by Sharon Lynne Wilson Center for the Arts, its assigns or successors, in whatever way they desire, including television. Furthermore, I hereby consent that such photographs, films, tapes, and/or recordings from which they are made shall be the property of the Sharon Lynne Wilson Center for the Arts, and they shall have the right to sell, duplicate, reproduce and make other uses of such photographs, films, and recordings as they may desire free and clear of any claim whatsoever on my part.

For specific camp questions, contact:
Camp Director, 262-373-5023