These Wilson Center policies and procedures are designed to ensure fair and equitable ticketing and registration processes. These policies and procedures may be subject to change at any time.
Ticket requests are submitted online. If you would like our box office to walk you through your ticket request, you can call 262-781-9520. Please allow up to 7 business days for processing.
Please note, ticket requests are not the same as ticket reservations. Your tickets are not reserved until you have signed your ticketing contract and sent in a 20% non-refundable deposit. If your school’s accounting structure or field trip policies and procedures do not allow for you to make deposits, please contact our box office for other options to secure your seat reservation. We are happy to accommodate!
Individual tickets are $15/person. For groups of 10+ 10am performances are $10/person and Noon performances are $8/person. For every 10 group tickets purchased, you are eligible for one (1) complimentary chaperone ticket.
Please allow at least one chaperone for every 15 students. There is a 10-ticket minimum per performance. Before requesting tickets, be sure to check school calendars for conflicts and transportation availability. Full ticket prices will be charged if your final total drops below 10.
Ticket demand often exceeds availability. To accommodate demand, The Wilson Center reserves the right to cap the number of tickets requested by any given school for each performance. All performances are subject to change and cancellation.
A minimum of 10 paid student tickets are required to receive 1 free teacher/chaperone ticket. This will be reflected in your ticketing contract. Please let us know if you do not need all of the allotted chaperone tickets, so we can make the seats available to other groups.
Group reservation numbers may be adjusted until four weeks prior to the performance, pending availability. Please call our box office so we can send you an updated ticketing contract.
Should your group need to reduce the number of tickets requesting, please call our box office so we can send you an updated contract. The Wilson Center must receive written notification of any changes via mail or email no later than the balance due date and an updated contract must be signed. If we do not receive these changes 14 days prior to the show, the contracting organization will be liable for full amount of the contract.
Due to sold out performances, we cannot guarantee additional seats will be available should there be more members in your group on the day of the performance than the number of seats we currently have reserved for you. Additional seats may also result in additional ticket costs that must be paid at the window on the day of the performance.
No refunds or exchanges are possible after final payment is made.
Ticket requests will be honored as long as the performance still has available seats. Once tickets are sold out, The Wilson Center will add your order to a waitlist.
A 20% deposit must be received by the deadline to secure your reservation. Any delay in payment may result in forfeiture of your reservation. As there is often a waiting list, seats will be given to other schools if deposits are not secured. Full payment must be received 14 days prior to the performance. Payments can be made by check (payable to “The Wilson Center”), money order, credit card, or purchase order.
Tickets are non refundable. Please check your school and transportation calendars carefully when booking events. Should your group need to cancel, the Wilson Center requests written notification of cancellation no later than balance due date. If we do not receive written cancellation by this date, the contracting organization will be liable for full amount of the contract.
It is rare for a performance at the Sharon Lynne Wilson Center for the Arts to be canceled due to inclement weather and we usually stay open when schools close. If there were to be a reason to cancel, we will post information on our website, social media and phone system and will contact all affected schools and groups. Due to contracts with performers and production companies no refunds or credits will be issued. If you are unable to attend due to weather or school closing, please contact our education manager at or call our box office at 262-781-9520
The Wilson Center assigns seats via a seating chart in order to accommodate students with special needs and to ensure school group cohesiveness, stage visibility, and efficient auditorium entry and exit. Seating assignments do not correlate to when the ticket request is received but on several factors including: size of group, age of students, and accommodation needs. No physical tickets will be sent out, please check in with an usher with your school name when you arrive.
The Wilson Center has a limited number of wheelchair accessible seats. Please let us know as soon as possible if your group will need any of these seats so we can seat you together.
If your performance is in the intimate venue of our Dawes Studio Theatre, students will be seated in rows on the floor, assembly style. This allows students an interactive “front seat” to the performance. If the number of adults attending this performance exceeds the number of chairs that fit in this space, a few teachers or chaperones may be kindly asked to sit with their students.
Please plan to arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of the performance. If you need to leave early or to be released first due to time constraints, we ask that you let us know in advance.
We encourage all schools to contact their bus company the day prior to confirm pick-up and drop off times, as well as pick-up and drop-off addresses.
Buses should use Soerens Circle Drive immediately outside of the Wilson Center front entrance for drop-off.
For the safety of your students, please stay on the bus until a representative from the Wilson Center has spoken to your bus driver.
Wilson Center staff will inform bus drivers of the order in which they should return to pick up students. Buses should park in the parking lot for the duration of the performance. (Private cars may proceed directly to the parking lot.)
Please share with your bus drivers that they are welcome to enjoy a cup of coffee in our Kuttemperoor Grand Hall and relax by the fireplace.
After the performance, please wait until you are dismissed from the theater by Wilson Center staff.
To promote the best possible experience at the performance, we strongly encourage you to cover the following theater etiquette reminders with your students. Please also share this information with the other classroom teachers attending this performance:
Do not bring food, drinks, or gum into the theater.
Ushers are available to help you to your section and/or direct you to water fountains and restrooms.
You may talk quietly before the performance begins.*
Turn off or silence all cell phones and watch alarms.
Due to copyright restrictions and distractions to the performers, photographs and video recordings are not allowed.
When the lights dim, please stop talking and turn your attention to the stage—the performance is about to begin!*
Pay close attention during the performance, and be respectful of the rest of the audience and the performers.*
At the end of the performance, you can thank the performers by clapping.
*If you have a student with special needs who will be making noises during the duration of the performance, or have any students that have an aversion to loud noises, lights, or colors, please let us know so we can provide the best visit possible for this student.